Since 1996 Analytek has been dedicated to the provision of Test and Measurement software and services for the mobile industry. We currently provide a Battery Life Testing solution to some of the largest mobile manufacturers, network operators and authorised test labs involved in the certification of Battery Life for mobiles, smartwatches and IoT devices.
Analytek Director, Michael Thijm, is Co-Chair of the CTIA Certification Battery Life Working Group, so we are directly involved in the development of the CTIA Battery Life Test Plan. Analytek currently provides the only Battery Life test solution for use by CTIA Authorised Test Labs.
We also provide a Battery Life test solution covering the following specifications. AT&T 10776, T-Mobile PRD, GSMA TS.09, GCF PI-001
Working in partnership with Rohde-Schwarz, our solution uses their hardware to provide the required network simulations for testing from 2G to 5G